Clothing & Footwear

Which is your favourite?

Michael Humphries

18 July 2022

The best Under Armour apparel patterns
The best Under Armour apparel patterns

Ok, so nobody’s going to drag you off the golf course if they don’t like what you’re wearing. But have you ever noticed that you feel better when you like what you’re wearing? Next time you’re playing, just stop for a second and think about how what you’re wearing makes you feel.

But everybody likes wearing different things: one golfer might lean towards the clean-cut classic look, while their playing partner rocks up with an eccentric, eye-catching outfit. The real question is: which one are you?

The best Under Armour apparel patterns

Looking at the shirts above, which we’ve hand-picked from our Under Armour range, there’s a pretty stark contrast. But that simply means there’s something for everybody! You could be strolling along in the quietly-fashionable Playoff 2.0 Low Round polo and its smart, simple design, or you could be making a statement in the Iso-Chill Floral polo; boasting an all-over, totally unique pattern.

We are huge fans of this summer’s Under Armour clothing range, and if you’re not already with us on that then we’d suggest swinging by our pro shop to have a gander at what’s on offer. We’re sure you won’t be disappointed!

shop Under Armour clothes